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V.M. Martos Núñez, M.E. Flor-Peregrín
N. Bojkov Vassilev,
"Mejora de la calidad docente en los masteres oficiales: transferencia del conocimiento al sector productivo ", "X Foro sobre Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior", None-None, 2013
N. Bojkov Vassilev, E.G. Martos Núñez, G. Mendes, V.M. Martos Núñez
M. Hristova Vassileva,
"Biochar of animal origin: A sustainable solution of the high-grade rock phosphate scarcity", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, vol.93
, 1799-1804, 2013
T. Krey, N. Bojkov Vassilev, C. Baum
B. Eichler-Löbermann,
"Effects of long-term phosphorus application and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on maize phosphorus nutrition under field conditions", European Journal of Soil Biology, vol.55
, 124-130, 2013
I. Ieropoulos, A. Gálvez Pérez
J. Greenman,
"Effects of sulphate addition and sulphide inhibition on microbial fuel cells", Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol.52
, 32-37, 2013
G. De Oliveira-Mendes, N. Bojkov Vassilev, V. Hugo-Araujo, I. Ribeiro-Da Silva, J.I. Ribeiro-Junior
M. Dutra -Costa,
"Inhibition of fungal phosphate solubilization by fluoride released from rock phosphate", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol.79
, 4906-4913, 2013
M. Almethyeb, S. Ruppel, H. Paulsen, N. Bojkov Vassilev
B. Eichler-Löbermann,
"Single and combined applications of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Enterobacter radicincitans affect nutrient uptake of faba bean and soil biological characteristics", Landbauforschung Völkenrode, vol.63
, 229-234, 2013
N. Bojkov Vassilev, A. Medina, G. Mendes, A. Gálvez-Pérez, V.M. Martos Núñez
M. Hristova Vassileva,
"Solubilization of animal bonechar by a filamentous fungus employed in solid state fermentation", Ecological Engineering, vol.58
, 165-169, 2013
M.E. Flor Peregrín,
"Uso de agentes de control y protección biológica frente a nemátodos del género meloidogyne en cultivos protegidos bajo plástico", 2013
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024